Dear visitor, A koan for your contemplation: Cultural demographers at Billboard Magazine would categorize the musical content of this web site as A. New age
The correct answer is F.
To help you navigate the murky waters of this Gowanus Canal of genre ambiguity, we've assembled a sampler of mp3 audio nuggets for your elucidation and enjoyment. Select from the following taxonomic tasting menu:
An exhaustive list of compositions by David Jason Snow can be found on the Complete works page. You are welcome to download and share any linked audio, video, and score file on this site, with attribution and without modification, for personal, non-commercial use. If you are interested in obtaining perfomance parts to a score, contact us for price and shipping information.
And for your literary delectation, enjoy a sampler of interesting and eccentric commentary found on this site:
The sound of one shoe dropping