It is. What? It is!

In celebration the 90th birthday of composer Pauline Oliveros, The Center for Deep Listening at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is publishing one new text score online per day for a year, each one contributed by a different composer. The following text composition, It is. What? It is!, was published on Day 26 (June 24, 2022) on the A Year of Deep Listening homepage:

Seek out an environment plagued with intrusive and distracting stimuli (e.g. a traffic island in the middle of a congested thoroughfare; a big-box store jammed with holiday shoppers; a crowded sports bar populated by drunk frat bros). Situate yourself within that environment and absorb the sensory onslaught without judgement, regarding it with the same degree of equanimity as one would the weather or the change of seasons. When your environment's tonal center reveals itself, harmonize with it.