Brevibus et mollibus digitis | With short, unmanly fingers, |
merdae cultor, cui labia musculo sphincteri similia sunt, | the sphincter-lipped worshipper of excrement |
truncum spurcitia unguit | anoints his torso with filth |
quam a fonte solii aurato labro ornati decerpsit, | plucked from the font of his gold-rimmed throne, |
Narcissus ventriosus | a slack-paunched Narcissus |
odore viscerum inebriatus. | drunk on the perfume of his bowels. |
Subsidit ut imaginem tremulam osculetur, | He squats to kiss the rippling reflection, |
et, aquis suis gustatis, | and, tasting his waters, |
necessitate ineluctabili opprimitur, | is overcome with unslakable need, |
Dum faeces suas impotenter lambit, | lapping furiously at his pollution, |
Sed frustra: | but to no avail: |
haec sitis exstingui non potest, | this thirst cannot be quenched, |
haec fames satiari non potest. | this hunger cannot be sated. |
O homo inepte, foede, ferrugineus, | O loathesome, ocherous vulgarian, |
Somniorum taetrorum creator, | weaver of noxious fantasy, |
Cui oculi muris, | rodent-eyed, |
Lingua serpentis, | serpent-tongued, |
Tui fututor mordax, | bilious self-copulator, |
Tibi imperamus | we command you: |
Ut temet ipsum totum haurias | swallow yourself whole |
sicut Ouroboros, | like Ouroboros, |
et in aeternum | and for eternity, |
esse desinas. | be no more. |
Translation of original English text into Latin by Quintus