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David Snow's Atari Midi programs

Midi Master Drummer/MidiSquare/MusicBox/Phraser and New Wave

Midi Master Drummer

MIDI Master Drummer

By David Snow

Released as Freeware June,2000

MIDI Master Drummer is a graphic rhythm editor and sequencer. Similear to Robobop, however with many more features.
It runs in color or monochrome on all Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon030 systems. If you have a color ST system, you must use medium resolution; for Falcon030 VGA you must be in an 80-column video mode. Assuming that you already have your computer hooked up to your MIDI rig, double-click on MMD_2_5.PRG to start the program (make sure that the MMD_2_5.PRG and MMD_2_5.RSC files are in the same folder). If the optional MMD_HELP.TXT file is also in the same directory, it will be loaded at startup, giving you access to online help during your work session. Master Drummer is divided into three parts: Pattern mode, where patterns are composed; Phrase mode, where the patterns are linked together into musical phrases; and Song mode, where phases are linked together into song parts and song parts are sequenced into a complete song. You can select the mode you need from the Edit menu.
It also has random creation of patterns making for some interesting algorithmic possabilities.You can save what you do as standard midi files for exporting to a sequncer program for use in a larger composition.

David has also made available the Source Code for those that would like to develop the program further.See below for the download

Midi Square

MIDI Square

By David Snow

Released as Freeware June,2000

MIDISquare is a mouse-oriented MIDI synth controller for Atari computers. It has been tested on a 1040ST and a Falcon, so I expect it to work on all the ST's cousins, and it runs in any resolution except ST LOW.

Assuming you already have your synth hooked up to your computer, you play the synth by left-clicking the mouse and dragging it over the square grid on the screen. Each little square in the grid plays a different four-note chord: a horizontal note along with a user-selected harmony interval, and a vertical note along with a user-selected harmony interval. Pitches are derived from a user-selected diatonic (i.e. modal, not chromatic) scale that runs low to high horizontally from left to right, and low to high vertically from top to bottom. Notes are played only when the left mouse button is depressed. Everything you play can be captured and saved as a MIDI file for editing and playback using a conventional software sequencer.

On-screen controls:
In "Poly" (polyphonic) mode, all four notes are played on the same MIDI channel. In "Mono" (monophonic) mode, each note is played on a different MIDI channel so you can assign a different patch to each note in the chord.

To select a MIDI channel, click on the up and down arrows in the MIDI CHANNEL box. In Mono mode, the four MIDI channels used are numerically consecutive (that is, if you select MIDI channel 10, the notes will play back on channels 10, 11, 12 and 13).

Pitches are selected from a 7-note scale. Each "white-key" note (C, D, E, F, G, A, and B) can be selected sharp, natural, or flat. Besides conventional 7-note modes, it is possible to construct pentatonic scales by selecting enharmonic notes (example: C, D, E, Fb [which is enharmonic with E], G, A, and B# [which is enharmonic with C]). It is also possible to construct non-diatonic scales with chromatic clusters (example: C, D#, E, F, Gb, A#, B).

The intervals of the horizontal and vertical harmony notes are selected by clicking on the up and down arrows in the DIATONIC INTERVAL box. The numbers represent diatonic, not chromatic intervals: a "+1" means that the harmony note will be next higher note in the user-selected diatonic scale, a "+2" means the second higher note, and so on.

With TRANSPOSITION set at "0," the notes played will be exactly those indicated in the DIATONIC SCALE box. Higher and lower numbers cause the notes to be transposed chromatically (example: with a diatonic scale of C, D, E, F, G, A, and B, along with a transposition value of "1," the notes played will be C#, D#, E#, F#, G#, A#, and B#).

The speed at which notes are played is determined by the TEMPO (beats per minute) and UNIT (subdivsion of each beat) parameters. A UNIT value of "1" means a note will play once on every beat (quarter note); a value of "2" means a note plays twice per beat (eighth note); a "3" means three notes per beat (triplet-eighth), and "4," "6," and "8" mean sixteenth, triplet-sixteenth, and thirtysecond notes, respectively. Notes are only played when the mouse is moving over the grid with the left button held.

To change the velocity (loudness) of the notes, press the right button while moving the mouse over the grid (this can be done simultaneously while pressing the left button). There are two user-selectable velocity patterns:

The velocity of the two horizontal notes goes from soft to loud moving left to right, and the velocity of the two vertical notes goes from soft to loud moving top to bottom.

The velocity of the two horizontal notes goes from loud to soft moving left to right, and the velocity of the two vertical notes goes from loud to soft moving top to bottom.

Note-velocity is changed only when the mouse is moving over the grid with the right button held.

Clicking on the START button records all note output in a Standard MIDI file. Click on STOP to save the file.

MIDI Square is very similear to Laurie Spiegels "Music Mouse" in that it uses the computer and mouse as a controller.

New Version Of MIDI SQUARE Available

Last year, David Snow released his Atari Midi programs to the Atari community. A certain Edgar Aichinger took the BASIC code and produced a version in C that can be used as a Desk ACC as well as improved dialogs and windows. It is now on the Atari-Midi archives. Midi Square is an alternate Mouse controller that turns the atari computer into a versitle music instrument.
